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                        10 week online show.

“Wizardom Channel” is a free prerecorded 15 min  online show

Consist of 3 segments including;
(1) “Song Tales” (topic introduction, talking about the song and then performing it)
(2) “The Magical Question” is where I will have a guest join me to answer one question (not an interview) which will be the same question for all my 10 guests.
The guests only have approximately 5 minutes (a minute or two extra is ok) or less to answer the question. So short and sharp
(3) “Words of Wizardom” where I conclude the show with some words of wisdom eg summarise the topic and/or news of what I am up to or offering

The mission of the show
- Is to inspire, educate and entertain. It is also a vehicle to introduce my 10 songs from my upcoming album, promote Wizardom and share the work of someone I admire or have been mentored by.

Week 10-Final Episode

Topic is: Vulnerability

Featured Song: Naked

Lyrics: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom)

Producer: Original Music/Producer: Alois Pospisil

Week 9-

Topic is: Connecting with nature

Guest: Akela Bloom -Wild heart nature and freedom lover, flow artist, digital nomad and conscious mother

Featured Song: Welcome me home

Lyrics: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom)

Original Version Producer: Alois Pospisil

Final Version Producer: Apollo Productions-David O'Toole

Week 8-

Topic is: Embracing your uniqueness

Guest: Heath Myers -Divine Channel, Quantum Evolution and Leadership Coach, and the Founder of Mastery Matrix® and The Starseed Activations™.

Featured Song: I'm Different

Lyrics: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom)

Producer: Sean O'Sullivan-Highway 9 Productions

Week 7-
Topic is: Facing Challenges
Guest: Kattimoni
Music Artist, Psychotherapist, Creative Director & Coach at New Earth Arising
Featured Song: Love is like the sun
Lyrics: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom)
Original Music: Robert McDoughall
Producer: Apollo Productions-David O'Toole

Week 6-

Topic is: Intimacy

Guest: Gaurav Nanda

Founder of Inspiring Singles | Connections & Empowerment Coach & Mentor

Featured Song: Love is not a four letter word

Lyrics and music: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom)

Producer: Latest version: Apollo Productions-David O'Toole. Original : Mariobeats

Week 5-

Topic is: Infinite Possibilities

Guest: Elphie Coyle-Creative Director/Business Inventor/Gamer/Author/Coach

Featured Song: Infinite Possibilities

Lyrics and music: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom)

Producer: Original : Alois Pospisil and latest version: Apollo Productions-'

Dave O'Toole

Week 4-

Topic: Go with the Flow

Guest: Lisa Jane Hussey- Holistic Lifestyle Mentor

Featured Song: Go with the Flow

Lyrics: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom) Original version music: Robert McDoughall

Producer: Apollo Productions-David O''Toole

Week 3-

Topic: Finding Love

Guest: Martina Hughes-Love, Intimacy & Relationships Mentor and Speaker

Featured Song: Jigsaw Heart

Lyrics and music: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom) Producer: Alois Pospisil

Week 2-

Topic: Connecting with Animals

Guest: Dalia Granot- Secret Animal Wisdom

Featured Song: Tiger Inside

Lyrics and music: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom) Producer: Apollo Productions-David O'Toole

Week 1-

Topic: Opportunity Not crisis

Guest: Sharon Munro- Melbourne Celebrant

Featured Song: Midlife Opportunity

Lyrics and music: Giuliano Avedikian (Wizardom) Producer: Apollo Productions-David O'Toole

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